Our Team

Project Leader


Dr. LEUNG Ka Man, Carman

Associate Professor

PhD, MSc, MSocSci, BSc.

Physical activity and adapted physical activity promotion, sport coaching

Co-Project Leader


Mr CHAN, Ching Yat, Roy

Senior Lecturer

M.Ed., Msc., B.Ed

Sport coaching and administration; Pedagogy and teaching in sports and PE; teaching sports to students with special needs

Project team member


Dr. WONG Ming Yu Claudia

Assistant Professor

PhD, MSc, MSc, BA.

Research in Youths, Older adults, Kindergarteners, Athletes, Self-care and Physical Activity, Self-compassion, Positive Psychology in Education and Coaching   

Mr. SIU Ka Man, Tom



Theory and Practice of Racquet Games, Analysis of Teaching and Coaching in Physical Education

Dr. WONG Hoi Wai, Henry


Ed.D. M.Sc. B.Ed

Measurement and Evaluation in Physical Education, Sports Injury and Prevention, Human Anatomy, Sports Performance Analysis

Ms. CHAN Ka Man, Carmen


MSocSc., B.Ed in Health, PGDE(GS & PE)

Research in Mindfulness, Physical fitness, Mental health, and Individual with visual impairment in karate training