Project Objective


Goal and Objectives

Project Goal

This project aims to promote a motivational sports environment for youths through providing education training for coaches and stakeholders in youth sports. The project will design and provide training programs for coaches to enhance their practical skills and knowledge to create a positive environment when coaching. In addition, the partnered sports organizations will design sport programmes for youths to experience a motivational environment in sport participation. In the long term, the project aims to arouse public awareness on the importance of motivational environment of youth sport participation.

Project Objectives

  1. To design a customized coach training programme targeted at youth character building;
  2. To provide educational training for sport coaches with the knowledge and skills to conduct sport class in a more motivational environment;
  3. To provide public education on the importance of motivational environment of youth sport participation.


Target group(s) and expected beneficiaries


Coaches who coach youth sports


Youths who participate in the sport programme organized by the partnered sports organizations


Stakeholders (e.g., parents, staff, teachers, administrators) who are involved in youth sports


Details of project components

Project Description

The EdUHK project team will design a customized education programme titled ‘Sport for Character Building Education Programme (SCB@EdUHK)’ targeted for youth character building, including resilience, social inclusion, leadership, confidence and mental toughness. The project team will provide coach training and public education with the aim of enhancing the role of coaches in the shaping of motivational environment and the ability to build relationship between the youth. Upon delivery of the education training, the sport organizations will carry out their youth sport programmes respectively.


Social Inclusion



Mental Toughness


Social Inclusion



Mental Toughness

Part I

Sport for Character Building Education Programme by EdUHK (SCB@EdUHK)

  • Conduct a survey on the coaching practice in youth sports in Hong Kong
  • Design and deliver a customized coach training programme targeted for youth character building with an emphasis on motivated sporting environment

Part II

Sport programmes by five sport associations

Hoops for Hope Basketball Asia
The Hong Kong, China Tennis Association Limited
Action Sports Foundation
Hong Kong China Dragon Boat Association
Hong Kong Rugby Union
Hoops for Hope Basketball Asia
Hong Kong Tennis Association
Action Sports Foundation
Hong Kong China Dragon Boat Association
Hong Kong Rugby Union

Project Activities and Operation Plan

Within the Jockey Club Sports Empowering Programme, the activities performed by EdUHK project team include:
I. Conduction of a survey on the coaching practice in youth sports in Hong Kong;
II. Formulation of the SCB@EdUHK education programme;
III. Delivery of the SCB@EdUHK Workshops and E-course

I. Conduction of a survey on the coaching practice in youth sports in Hong Kong

  • Questionnaires will be distributed to coaches and youth to have an understanding of the social environment of sports and coaching methods in Hong Kong.
  • The findings of the survey will be utilized as the materials for the discussion in the coach training programme. It will also be released to the public for the promotion of the importance of social environment in youth sport participation.

II. Formulation of the SCB@EdUHK programme
The SCB@EdUHK provides customized coach training targeted for the promotion of youth character building, i.e., resilience, social inclusion, leadership, confidence and mental toughness, for the Jockey Club Sports Empowering Programme.


Design and production of the SCB@EdUHK education programme content
The SCB@EdUHK will include two educational training targets for the public and coaches

  • SCB@EdUHK – Workshop for Tutor (W-T)
  • SCB@EdUHK – Workshop for Sport Coach (W-SC)
  • SCB@EdUHK – E-course for Youth Sport Personnel (E-YSP)

The design of the educational training will be under two themes:
a. The role of the empowering coach in creating a motivative sports environment (Theme 1)
This part of training will focus on educating sport coaches about the importance of fostering an empowering motivational environment in their coaching as well as educating coaches on the concept of empowering coaches. The training content will be designed by the expert consultants from the Empowering CoachingTM team at the University of Birmingham, UK.


b. Practical coaching strategy for character building (Theme 2)
This part of the training will focus on providing practical strategies to sport coaches on how to enhance youth character building.


III. Delivery of the SCB@EdUHK Workshops and E-course


1. SCB@EdUHK – Workshop for Tutor (W-T)
The Workshop for Tutor (W-T) is an interactive workshop for 15 tutors to have understanding on the concept of empowering coaching and be able to apply the empowering strategies to create a motivating sporting environment that promotes character building in youth. The tutor will be trained up to conduct the SCB@EdUHK – Workshop for Sport Coach (W-SC).


Target: Experienced coach of specified sports
Prerequisite: Referred by the partnered sports organizations

  • The 30-hour training will be conducted.
  • The tutor training will be delivered by expert from the Empowering Coaching™ team and the EdUHK project team.
  • The course will be conducted in Cantonese and English.
  • Upon completion of the tutor training, a certificate will be issued by EdUHK indicating that the tutors had completed the two themes of the SCB@EdUHK training.

2. SCB@EdUHK- Workshop for Sport Coach (W-SC)
The workshop for Sport Coach (W-SC) is an interactive workshop for sport coaches to have understanding on the concept of empowering coaching and be able to apply the empowering strategies to create a motivating sporting environment that promotes character building in youth


Target: Coaches working in youth sports
Prerequisite: Sport coach qualification
Target number of participants: Train 250 sport coaches

  • Eighteen hours of interactive workshops
  • The courses will be conducted in Cantonese (supplemented with English).
  • The course will be free-of-charge and a completion certificate will be issued by EdUHK to coaches after the completion of all sessions.

3. SCB@EdUHK- E-course for Youth Sport Personnel (E-YSP)
This E-course for Youth Sport Personnel (E-YSP) is an online course which aims to arouse public awareness on the importance of motivational environment of youth sport participation


Target: Parents, educators and those working in youth sports
Prerequisite: There is no prerequisite for this e-course


Overview of the formulation of SCB@EdUHK

Stage 1:
Conduction of a survey on the coaching practice in youth sports on Hong Kong
Stage 2:
Formulation of the SCB@EdUHK programme
Stage 3:
Delivery of the SCB@EdUHK - workshops and E-course

Stage 1:

Conduction of a survey on the coaching practice in youth sports on Hong Kong

Stage 2:

Formulation of the SCB@EdUHK programme

Stage 3:

Delivery of the SCB@EdUHK – Workshops and E-course