EdUHK Organised Jockey Club Sports Empowering Programme Sports Experience Day 2023

Annual Event

Funded by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, organised by the Department of Health and Physical Education (HPE) of The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK), supported by Action Sports Foundation Limited, Hong Kong China Dragon Boat Association, Hong Kong China Rugby, Hong Kong, China Tennis Association and Hoops for Hope Basketball Asia, the Jockey Club Sports Empowering Programme Sports Experience Day 2023 was held at C.C.C. Heep Woh Primary School (Cheung Sha Wan) on 9 December 2023. The event aims to cultivate the positive sports learning atmosphere, and provide public education on the importance of a motivational environment in youth sports participation, through a myriad of sports trials and programme exhibition.

The event attracted more than 400 participants to join. By providing challenging sports experiences, the youth can develop an interest in sports, and increase the public’s awareness of Empowering CoachingTM and Sport Characters education. Up to present, 17 tutors from the 5 Sports Partners have participated in a 30-hour workshop and have also trained 131 sport coaches with the Empowering CoachingTM principles and Sport Characters building. The trained sports coaches have organised sports training workshops for over 700 youth. These workshops aim to arise public awareness of the importance of building youth’s positive characters, as well as create a positive youth sports environment.

The Jockey Club Sports Empowering Programme is the city’s first large-scale sports coaching programme integrating sports character education (i.e. Confidence, Leadership, Resilience, Mental toughness and Social inclusion). By the end of the 3-year programme, it is expected that 250 coaches would be trained;  4,000 youths would join the sports training led by the trained coaches; and over 5,000 youth sports personnel such as coaches and parents would have completed an online course about Sport Characters education.

For more details, please visit the EdUHK.

