Five SCB@EdUHK Workshops for Coaches Held Successfully 


Five 18-hour SCB@EdUHK Workshops for Coaches were held successfully from December 2022 to April 2023.  

Seventeen sports coaches (tutors) from 5 partnered organisations participated in the 30-hour SCB@EdUHK Workshops for Tutors in late 2022. Then, in December 2022 – April 2023, the tutors delivered the concepts of Empowering Coaching and Sport Character Building to 76 coaches in the 18-hour face-to-face practical sessions. 

By introducing Empowering Coaching and Sport Character Building, coaches equipped the above knowledge and skills to build 5 Sport Characters among youth athletes which are Affective Learning, Confidence, Resilience & mental toughness, Social inclusion and Leadership.  Moreover, our project team observed and assisted the tutors during these coach workshops. Feedback was given as well.  

These coach workshops ended with a consultation session in which tutors shared the difficulties they encountered and the teams from EdUHK and University of Birmingham gave the team suggestions and directions on how to apply the learned materials in their coaching practices.  
