Successfully held Workshops for Tutors marked the first milestone of SCB@EdUHK


The tutor workshops of Sport for Character Building Education Programme (SCB@EdUHK) were successfully held in September and October 2022. 15 tutors from 5 partnered sports associations participated in these workshops that aim at enabling tutors to create a motivating sporting environment and thus promote character building among youth in Hong Kong.

The tutor workshops are designed into 2 parts. The first part consisted of three 3-hour online training sessions conducted by the Empowering CoachingTM team of University of Birmingham with assistance from EdUHK and National Taiwan Normal University. Participants learnt about the major principles, theoretical background and evidence of empowering coaching. They also had the opportunity to discuss the implementation of these strategies in youth sport coaching.

The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK) is responsible for the second part. It focused on practical coaching strategies, including affective learning, sports character building, and debriefing. Participating tutors were introduced to coaching techniques in the 15-hour face-to-face sessions. These techniques are helpful for building confidence, leadership, mental toughness, and resilience in youth through sports. Social inclusion was also highlighted, and youth with special educational needs (SEN) were invited to work with tutors as a practical coaching experience.
